20+ Years Experience

Best Polyurethane Resin Flooring

The Resin Flooring Contractors

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Resin flooring has become more popular than ever before, and not just for residential homes. With commercial and industrial resin flooring becoming so widespread, it is almost hard to imagine a world without it.

However, this also means that there are a lot more resin floors to choose from, and each resin floor might be best suited for a different thing. 

Domestic resin floors have become so varied that it can be tough to know which of the resin flooring options best suit your own needs.

We at The Resin Flooring Contractors have the skills and experience to get you the resin flooring that you need, whether that is simple domestic resin flooring or much more in-depth industrial resin flooring solutions. 

We keep our work bespoke and client-focused, following your requirements to the letter.

Whatever kind of resin floor you might be looking for, we can provide it, drawing on our huge range of different resin floor specialists and suppliers. 

Of course, the first step is always to know what you are looking for – and what we can provide for you.

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Table of Contents

Who Are The Resin Flooring Contractors?

The Resin Flooring Contractors are partially London-based specialist resin flooring installers, formed as one large team of design specialists and resin flooring installation experts. 

We aim to provide the best resin flooring on the market, offering a huge range of residential, commercial and industrial options to suit any client’s needs, whether they are based in London or beyond.

Our Quality

We maintain a high standard of quality and install every new floor to the client’s specifications, treating each project as a fresh and bespoke piece of work. 

We want all of our clients to walk away happy with the flooring they receive, no matter the scale or complexity involved.

Why Choose The Resin Flooring Contractors?

We can offer all of the latest resin flooring options available in October 2024 and beyond, aiming for an extremely high-quality standard in every project we take on.

Our past work has involved clients of all sizes and industries, all of which have been satisfied with the flooring we provided.

This means that we can take on a wide range of different challenges and problems, finding the ideal resin flooring solutions to match your needs. 

Whether that is commercial flooring solutions for a storefront or domestic resin floors for kitchen spaces, we can find something that works.

All of our staff are experienced in handling resin flooring work and understand how to tackle a range of different flooring needs and requirements.

Over 10 Years of Experience in Resin Flooring

We have installed thousands of resin flooring solutions all across the UK, gathering up over 10 years of experience as an independent resin flooring installer. 

Many of our expert staff have even higher levels of experience as industry veterans, knowing far more than your average resin floor salesperson would.

Our Clients

This experience has given us countless different ways to satisfy the needs of our clients, from the most basic resin floor options to complex and bespoke commercial flooring solutions that are designed to match your brand.

Accredited Resin Flooring Installation

Our work has earned us several major awards, and we are also a fully accredited resin flooring installer. 

All of our installation experts are fully trained and understand how to handle resin safely, a fact that we take great pride in as both a company and a team.

As a company, we are a member of the Resin Flooring Association, an authority on our niche. 

Our Standards

We try to ensure that all of our work is handed to the highest standards we can manage, far above that of conventional resin flooring installation companies.

Beyond that, we have built up a range of strong partnerships with major brands in the industry, both in London and beyond.

Our Options

We have a massive variety of residential, industrial and domestic resin floors available to our customers, all of which are suitable for heavy interior use. Some can also be used in exterior locations.

Rather than split resin floors into domestic resin, industrial resin and commercial resin flooring, we try to find mixes where possible. Most of our commercial flooring can also work in residential spaces, for example.

We treat our work as bespoke, meaning that we will try and find the best interior flooring for our clients, regardless of their preferences.

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Resin Flooring Near Me

We offer our resin flooring installation services to clients all across the UK, making sure that we can install your new resin floor regardless of where you are located. 

From the South East to the North West of the UK, we can deliver and install the ideal resin floors for your needs.

Bespoke Work

We keep our work incredibly flexible, meaning that we are happy to take on all kinds of bespoke projects throughout the country. If you need something specific, then we can aim to provide it.

Types of Resin Flooring We Offer

Resin flooring comes in a range of different types, and understanding the exact kind of resin floor you are getting is important. No two resin floor types are the same, and some are distinctly different in how they work as flooring materials.

Epoxy Resin Flooring

Our epoxy resin flooring is some of the most varied and versatile we can offer, with each of our epoxy resin floors being unique. 

The durability and high-quality epoxy resin we use allow for excellent epoxy resin floors across residential, commercial and industrial spaces in equal measure.

Epoxy Resin Floors Durability

We offer epoxy resin floors that are resistant to cracking and chemical damage, allowing them to be used in all kinds of spaces. 

Each floor is fully customisable, and we take great pride in offering bespoke epoxy flooring options to our clients.

Epoxy Installation

Thanks to our wide range of epoxy resin flooring options, we can provide excellent epoxy flooring for every single situation. 

Our specialised epoxy resin flooring installers know how to handle epoxy floors correctly, installing each new floor quickly and safely.

Polyurethane Resin Flooring

Polyurethane resin flooring is very good at handling high temperatures and can be hard-wearing compared to other resin floors. 

We often use this as industrial resin flooring or in commercial spaces that need to deal with high temperatures – such as kitchens.


These resin floors are highly customisable both visually and practically. 

We can combine multiple layers of protective material to give you an even more durable floor option than our normal types, keeping your floor options versatile and highly durable.

Cementitious Urethane Flooring

Cementitious urethane flooring is a combination of urethane and cement, creating a solid flooring solution that can serve in multiple different roles with ease. 


Most urethane flooring options are fully resistant to water and other liquids and can be much safer to use in food-related commercial spaces.

The seamless application of our CFU means that it can be installed in areas that get high foot traffic without needing to block off that space for too long. 


This also reduces bacterial risks, something that becomes even more useful when considering the huge amount of thermal stability that CFU offers.

This can have double the strength of concrete while also being used as a self-levelling floor, making it a great option for a range of situations. Of course, this all depends on what you are looking for as a customer.

Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA)

PMMA is one of the more common resin floor options we have available. 

Highly durable and incredibly well-protected against chemicals and heavy loads, it often sees use in industrial settings but can also become a good domestic resin flooring in the right circumstances.

PMMA Durability

The focus on the high-durability materials makes this a great floor option for industrial spaces across the UK.

This flooring type can protect the surface underneath it with an extreme level of strength. The customisable material also means that we can tailor the PMMA to match your personal needs.

How Do I Choose the Right Type of Resin Floor?

Finding the right resin flooring options for your needs is not easy, even with so many resin floor options to choose from. There are a lot of factors to consider, especially as a first-time flooring customer, so you need to understand what you are working with.


You want flooring that is suitable for your needs, and that often means looking into the kind of floor that you want. 

Domestic resin flooring is going to be very different from commercial resin flooring, and even if they overlap, a floor might be more suitable for one than the other.

Domestic Resin Flooring

Domestic resin floors are any floor options designed for domestic spaces, usually houses. These often focus a lot on designs and details, usually to create a comfortable and clean environment. Domestic resin flooring often needs to be comfortable and safe for children and pets to use, too.

We can provide a range of resin flooring options to suit your home, including ones that are custom-tailored to look like other materials. 

This allows us to produce interesting floor options that maintain a high standard of quality while also matching the style and environment you want to create.

Commercial Resin Flooring

Commercial flooring needs to be able to handle a lot of foot traffic, as well as offer proper protection against chemicals and water. 

Non-slip surfaces are often important in commercial spaces, and suitable commercial resin flooring should be durable enough to withstand a lot of frequent use.

The general environment of a commercial space means that the average commercial flooring choice may go through a heavy amount of wear and tear, often suffering what would be many years of damage in a residential space within only a year or two. 

This means that we aim for materials that are easier to maintain once installed.

Industrial Resin Flooring

The ideal resin flooring for industrial settings needs to boast a strength greater than cement and concrete while providing proper protection from dangerous chemicals. 

Chemical resistance and corrosion-resistant floors are important for a lot of industrial spaces, especially production lines or factories.

Our industrial resin flooring options are designed to create a safe and comfortable working environment that can endure many years of constant use. 

Industrial spaces can be a dangerous environment to work in, and using the right flooring can lead to a significant increase in overall safety.

Nationwide Resin Flooring Specialists

We can provide our resin flooring options to companies and homeowners all across the UK, making sure that you can get the flooring you need quickly and conveniently. 

Our expert staff are always ready to begin another installation project.

Our Service Area

Whether you want a complex industrial floor with a specialised substrate or simple commercial flooring for your corner shop, we can provide it. 

From London to the absolute northernmost point of the country, we can be there to provide our services.

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Resin Flooring Costs

The costs involved in resin flooring installation services can vary from project to project. We always aim to save the customer as much money as possible, whether that is a commercial installation or a residential one.

The quality of our work will increase the cost a little, but the more important detail is the materials. 

A cement core, a specialised substrate, a unique epoxy mixture – these can all alter the cost you will be paying for the completed floor.


If you want to get a free consultation or quote for the kind of prices you should expect to pay, then contact us and let us know what you need. 

We can provide a huge range of different options, making sure that we do not push your budget too far in the process.

Resin Flooring Manufacturers

We have worked with a huge range of resin flooring manufacturers to get hold of their specialised flooring options, allowing us to handle the installation of all kinds of flooring with ease. 

We have installed every popular epoxy flooring and worked with all of the major flooring brands, giving us a massive amount of installation experience.

Our work can cover all kinds of different brand names and flooring styles, but we leave the final decisions up to each client.

Frequently Asked Questions

Resin flooring can be complex, and some questions are a lot harder to answer than others. Here are some frequently asked questions about our work and the installation projects that we take on.

What is a resin floor?

A resin floor is simply any flooring made of hard-durable plastic resin. These are often made using the resin itself and a hardening chemical, although some use another material like cement as a core to strengthen the resin design.

Are these floors worth it?

This flooring is absolutely worth it – most clients still use the same installation they got years ago.

Are these floors made of plastic?

Technically yes, but this is not ordinary plastic. Our experts can explain the difference depending on which options you choose.

What do residential floors offer?

Comfort, utility, nice designs and a lack of abrasive material choices or surfaces.

What do commercial floors offer?

High endurance for heavy foot traffic, easy maintenance and easy cleaning.

What do industrial floors offer?

Even higher durability and safety, often at the cost of comfort.

What is the best type of flooring you provide?

None of our flooring is the most superior option. It is important to take a look around and choose something that suits your needs best.

How much does a resin floor cost?

A resin flooring project can cost anywhere between £7 and £15 per square foot on average, but this is only a vague estimate. 

What impacts the cost of this flooring?

Depending on the quality, scale, scope, material choices and additional traits of the resin floor, the price can fluctuate wildly.

Can I get a quote?

We can offer price quotes to help you understand what kind of price range each resin type might reach.

Is resin flooring durable?

Resin flooring tends to be more durable than most other options, providing superior protection against physical impact damage and chemical damage. 

Can these floors get extra protection?

Many of our tougher flooring options are also given extra protective coatings to shield them from UV rays, water, or even specific chemical types.

Are resin floors slippery?

On their own, resin floors are slippery when wet. However, we can design interior resin floors that manage to prevent this problem, either with slip-resistant layers or a surface design that allows for extra grip.


We have a massive amount of different resin flooring options to offer our clients, all coming from some of the finest manufacturers in London and beyond. 

Whether they are commercial, residential or industrial resin flooring types, we can ensure that you get the best possible quality from the finished product.

Contact Us

If you want to know more about what we can offer, then get in touch and tell us what you are looking for. Our experts are more than happy to start working with you right way, looking into the options that we have available to see what works and what does not.

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